Writer on a Horse
And a Dog

The world looks better from the back of a horse and the roads of life are easier with a good dog beside you.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I've read on the listserv that some of y'all are thankful for SCBWI, and I want to say I am too but it would be low on my list of things I'm thankful. They are a great organization and promote beginner writers into the publishing world but my thankful orb starts with God first. Thank you, God for blessing me with good health and talents to use my imagination. Thank you to my family that allows me to be the quirky person without trying to change me. Thank you to my friends (Writer buddies and life long sisters)for your support, love and good listening ears. Thank you to my children and grandchildren for keep my heart growing in love. Thank you to my best friend, lover, comfort when life is rough... my husband of 40 years Ronnie

Today's word
Orientation: the adjustment or alignment of oneself or one's ideas to surroundings or circumstances
When your goals seem unreachable, orientate you direction and try again.

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