Writer on a Horse
And a Dog

The world looks better from the back of a horse and the roads of life are easier with a good dog beside you.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Think Flamingo

I'm writing a short story for my LongRidge course and I'm trying to paint a picture of the main character (Carrie) being like a flamingo at a rodeo... hummm dang that does sound interesting... work fingers work!

I will start the word a day again next week.

Today was a heart warming, soul healing day.... the sun felt wonderful, the blue sky made it seem that anything was possible and the free time sparked creative ideas.

Thank you heaven father for this reprieve from winter.

Now for the good stuff. I did a writing workshop (that was very un-organized) but I think great. The kids listened... really listened and wrote... pretty awesome stories. They asked questions, gave answers to my questions and we even did a story line... character, setting, problem, solution... they all are going to write a story using our story line.

It was a piece of cake...NOT I was sweating like Elvis only I didn't have scarves to wipe my face.

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