We had an old fashion wiener roast over an open fire, smores, my famous chicken salad, sloppy joes and all the fixing. Most of the barn people... you know the people that the horses boarded at the stable claim as family... my writing buddies, Jana and her family, Sheila and Ken her husband, Irene and her son... everyone ate, and ate and ate... get the picture. All the boys, little and large (men) poked at the fire, that must be a male thing. All the woman complained about cold toes until we discovered electric heaters in the lounge and bathroom... we huddled around those two heaters and made a hen party. About 7 pm the kids saddle horses and rode in the arena. All the kids wanted to stay all night but the later it got the colder the Mama's got and you know the saying..."If Mama ain't happy nobody is happy!"
The fun part came when we got home... all four grandbabies and one friend that came to spend the night, Ronnie, Irene, her son, and myself had to get a shower. I was last and it was a cool one. Towels everywhere because of those five kiddos that belong with me, four were girls... one towel around hair, one towel to dry and one towel to stand on... explain that one to me???
We all decided that inner acting with friends is the most fun... better than a movie or going to the mall or playing video games. It was a night to remember. Wish y'all could have been there.
It was AWESOME! Pat, you sure do know how to throw a party. It was simple, old-fashioned goodness, and I am so very happy me and Eric got to be a part of it. THANK YOU.
really wish i could have!
Had a BLAST! And now all I'm hearing is "Mom, can I please go to horse camp?"
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