Writer on a Horse
And a Dog

The world looks better from the back of a horse and the roads of life are easier with a good dog beside you.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I wrote this a couple of years ago, just wanted to share

I’m Thankful For…

I’m thankful for my heavenly father, who loves, protects and guilds me
I’m thankful for my husband, who remains my love and friend even though menopause.

I’m thankful for my two children, who despite my many mistakes in parenting, have grown into wonderful, hardworking adults.

I’m thankful for my large family, who keeps my life interesting.

I’m thankful for my Granny,watching from heaven, for teaching me the benefits of being a caring person.

I’m thankful for my four grandchildren, who make old age bearable.

I’m thankful for my writing friends, who give me encouragement, laughter and helpful critiques.

I’m thankful for my “sisters of the heart”, friends who love me just as I am and tolerate my eccentric ways.

drudgery -- unpleasant, dull or hard work

The drudgery of Monday morning is hang over all of us.

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