rain in the spring when everything is blooming and fields have been plowed
Hummingbirds... wouldn't it be cool to sit in your sun room and watch them in the winter too
Roses... I love roses... all of them

I can hardly wait each year for my first fresh tomato sandwich... white bread with mayo and one thick red tomato slice and a little salt... Food for the Gods
Watermelons... people I can eat me some watermelon

For the little Wrens that nest in all my hose hangers and bushes to build nest and hatch out their babies... the male Wrens will sit on the railing of my deck and sing every morning while the nest has eggs or babies

I wait very impatiently for the first new chicks to be hatched.
I love looking in every pasture as I drive to work for new calves or colts
I love the smell of the first fireplace fires in the fall and showers of leaves dancing around me and my dogs when we walk to the barn

I love Black Friday... oh not the shopping but the fun me and the kiddos have enjoying it all
I love Christmas not the gift giving but the memories present and past My grandbabies always spend the night at my house on Christmas Eve eve and we watch Christmas movies and look at past Christmas pictures and just cuddle and enjoy each others company... no pressure of any kind and then on Christmas Eve morning we all eat breakfast together... that I cook ... and then we open presents... But there is a catch at my house... you have to do three things before you can get your present (like walk backwards around kitchen table three times singing Frosty the snowman) No present is free you have to work for it. and there are no names on any present under the tree.. only I know which goes to who.
Then Winter.... a new year, a clean slate, crisp and new. The recharging months and waiting for all the above to return.

What's the meaning of the
phrase 'A bad penny always turns up'?
A disreputable or prodigal person will always
return. More generally, this proverb refers to the recurrence of any unwanted
What's the origin of the
phrase 'A bad penny always turns up'?
This proverb has lived long in the language.
It derives from the notion that some coins were 'bad', that is, they were
debased or counterfeit.
What made whoever coined this proverb link bad
pennies with the notion of something unwelcome returning isn't now clear.
Perhaps it was the sense that, if you clip or pass on a bad penny, it won't be
long before it comes back to you in your change. Our present day expression of
that would be 'what goes around comes around'.
Thank you for hosting! Here's my post: https://thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com/2018/08/spiritual-journey-first-thursday-new.html
Pat, this post is so YOU! You've reminded me of so many of the seasonal things I love as well. I'm not surprised. I laughed when I read the watermelon part and the football part. :)
Here's my link, in which I share about the return of nakedness... https://irenelatham.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-return-of-nakedness.html
Thank you for hosting! xo
Thank you for hosting, Pat. I enjoyed reading about your favorite things that never fail to return to you. Enjoy your summer of watermelon and tomato sandwiches.
My post, "In the Spirit of Returning," is at http://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2018/08/in-spirt-of-returning.html.
Pat: Thanks so much for hosting this month. You had me at the tomatoes! I look to the return of good tomatoes each year. This year I tried growing some, but alas... the squirrels are harvesting them faster than I can pick them. That's another lesson.
My best to everyone. Things are getting a little crazy here, so I will "return" later.
Blessings all,
I always enjoy lists & this one is timely for me.
We have enjoyed eating our fresh tomatoes from the front yard garden,
but they are tiny cherry tomatoes, so too tiny for that classic
on mayo between bread. Oh, you've brought on a delicious summer memory.
I love this post - both the summer events you've listed (blackberries and tomatoes being personal favorites) and the cycling of the rest of the year. I love the idea of returning. Aren't the seasons just the best way of savoring the whole year? My return acrostic celebrates some of my favorite parts of fall - https://pleasuresfromthepage.blogspot.com/2018/08/spiritual-journey-first-thursday.html
I'm late posting today and getting around, but I have time tomorrow!! I would add cucumber to the tomato sandwich (and unfortunately I have to go with gluten free bread nowadays)... but what a taste of summer that is! Thanks for hosting today!
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