Writer on a Horse
And a Dog

The world looks better from the back of a horse and the roads of life are easier with a good dog beside you.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ride Cowgirl Ride

Headed to Batesville, MS to watch Lakelynn ride in the Regional USTPA

in youth ranch sorting.  Love watching her...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Daddy's little girl

My daddy will be 84 years young this Saturday (and since I'm linking this to facebook... kids call your granddaddy)
No matter how old you get or how ornery your daddy gets... you will always be his little girl and him your hero.
Thanks Daddy for all the times you climbed ladders to get me out of trees, hay lofts, roof tops when I was too scare to climb down
For playing in the snow with me
For telling me I was smart enough to be anything I wanted to be
For loving me

Love you too

Patty Jean