Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem

The Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem is hosted by poet, Irene Latham.  The poem is crafted by thirty different poets.  It's so much fun to watch how each unique personally moves this creative infant to adulthood.  Today is my turn, so the last line is my humble effort... thanks Irene for pushing me out of my comfort zone.  

She lives without a net, walking along the alluvium of the delta.
Shoes swing over her shoulder, on her bare feet stick jeweled flecks of dark mica.
Hands faster than fish swing at the ends of bare brown arms. Her hair flows,
snows in wild wind as she digs in the indigo varnished handbag,
pulls out her grandmother’s oval cuffed bracelet,
strokes the turquoise stones, and steps through the curved doorway.
Tripping on her tail she slips hair first down the slide… splash!
She glides past glossy water hyacinth to shimmer with a school of shad,
listens to the ibises roosting in the trees of the cypress swamp
an echo of Grandmother’s words, still fresh in her windswept memory.
Born from the oyster, expect the pearl.Reach for the rainbow reflection on the smallest dewdrop.
The surface glistens, a shadow slips above her head, a paddle dips
she reaches, seizes. She’s electric energy and turquoise eyes.
Lifted high, she gulps strange air – stares clearly into
Green pirogue, crawfish trap, startled fisherman
with turquoise eyes, twins of her own, riveted on her wrist–
She’s swifter than a dolphin, slipping away, leaving him only a handful of
memories of his own grandmother’s counsel: Watch for her. You’ll have but one chance todetermine—to decide. Garner wisdom from the water and from the pearl of the past.
In a quicksilver flash, an arc of resolution, he leaps into the shimmering water                                       Where hidden sentries restrain any pursuit and the bitter taste of impulse rushes into his lungs
Check tomorrow and see where Tamera at The Writer’s Whimsy takes us next.
2015 Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem Team:

1 Jone at Check it Out
5 Charles at Poetry Time Blog
7 Catherine atCatherine Johnson
8 Irene at Live Your Poem
9 Mary Lee atPoetrepository
10 Michelle at Today's Little Ditty
11 Kim at Flukeprints
13 Doraine atDoriReads
14 Renee at No Water River
17 Buffy at Buffy's Blog
18 Sheila at Sheila Renfro
19 Linda at Teacher Dance
20 Penny at A Penny and her Jots
21 Tara at A Teaching Life
22 Pat at Writer on a Horse
23 Tamera at The Writer's Whimsy
26 Brian at Walk the Walk
27 Jan atBookseedstudio
28 Amy at The Poem Farm
29 Donna at Mainely Write


  1. Oh, no! Didn't see that one coming.
    BTW, do you want a comma between restrain and pursue or is it "restrain pursuit"? Or was it one of those words, not both? I'm not clear on that wording.

  2. Hidden sentries!...and yes, are we restraining or pursuing?? So much happening here. Thank you, Pat! xo

  3. Something else is in the water? Wow. I hope he has the strength to carry on anyway. You've added much to the story.

  4. Ah! Thanks for clearing that up! And the excitement builds!

  5. Cheering the plot twist & the language here. Brava!

  6. What a line! I'm cheering for him to overcome those hidden sentries. What will tomorrow bring?

  7. Such tension! You're always stirring the bubbly pot, Pat - ;0)
    (And now I've caught up on a few days and have to wait til tomorrow. Not fair!)

  8. Okay! Thanks for this intriguing handoff Pat. I think I understand and I am mulling over the possibilities.

  9. Such fun drama! Go, guy, go! I am really looking forward to reading this whole poem on the 30th...and too, enjoying every sip along the way!

  10. Unexpected, but so totally perfect!

  11. Impulse...hmmm....what next? And not just impulse, but the bitter taste of impulse. It's day 22. It was time for impulse :-)

  12. I love where this is going! So much intense action and emotion.

  13. Oh no--sentries! More obstacles to overcome!

  14. Oooh...bitter taste and hidden sentries! We are in an exciting turn of events!

  15. Nice! Glad I decided to check in on what was happening with you. Hope to see you in October!
