Monday, January 18, 2010

Revise, Revise

Not really a happy writer today.. I hate being unsure and I'm very unsure of my revised Chapter One of Burning Bridges. I like it but..... well anyway, I've turned it over to my critiquing buddies and they will help me reach the point were I keep it or trash it.

Word for today: wince -- draw back, flinch

I wince at the thought of revision.

The picture is on the Gadsden Confederate Memorial and is Emma Sansom and Gen.Nathan B. Forrest


  1. It's a keeper! I don't think you should overthink it right now.. you are on the right track... move FORWARD, sista! Emma deserves a "the end." (finishfinishfinishfinishfinishfinish...)

  2. I can not WAIT to read a book written by my very own Aunt Pat. The person who I spent a lot of my childhood spending the night at her house. The person who always plays a major role in the funny memories my dad tells me. The person who is like the grandmother I never had. :)

  3. Who is Emma Sason and why is she riding on NBF's horse. What is she pointing to?? I grew up in Memphis and thought I knew a lot about him but have never heard of Ms. Sansom. (the horse looks like he's wincing at going forward)
