Sunday, January 17, 2010

Irene's Book Lanuch Yesterday

Irene's book presentation for "Leaving Gee's Bend, was wonderful and enlightening. I need to learn PowerPoint. I came home and thought about how those visual aides made her talk informative and inspiring. From the pictures, you know the setting, the theme and the character. Good job Irene.

So much fun seeing Lindsey Levvitt in all her new momma glow. I will comment about her debut novel, Princess for Hire, next week.

Word for the Today: revere -- honor, respect, admire

I sat revered at Irene Latham's presentation.

The picture of the mules are nothing like the mule in Irene's book... these are fancy mules but I wanted to show what beautiful creatures they are.


  1. I've seen some good things about this book as I've been prowling around for the comment challenge. Thank you for posting this!
