Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Connection

So first I have to say... I'm really bad... I broke my promise to myself to blog twice a week.  I know everyone is saying WHAT!!!!  I promise I will not promise again.... I'm going to break the connection.... hahahaha..snort!

Okay deep breath, stop laughing and get serious.  Doraine is counting on you to connect with the others in this group. 

Today's word is Connection:  to check out  my friend's one little word go to her blog at Doraine Bennett

Again I want to give the definition for connection: 

a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.
"the connections between social attitudes and productivity"

The something else in my universe is ME.  The seconds, minutes, hours or lifetime of connections with friends, family, strangers and GOD broadens the borders of who I am.

I had the pleasure to have lunch with Doraine last year.  We had beliefly met at SCBWI conferences but never really talked.  Irene Latham, Sheila Renfro and myself traveled to Warm Springs, Ga for a writers retreat filled with writing, debating, and reading .... and of course history.  Oh what wonderful shops we visited in Pine Mountain.  I connected with Doraine that day and she became a part of my connection circle.  

Connection by Ramesh Kavdia

The connection begins with words
As prayers, praise, poems.
Words connect the feelings.
Feeling connects the emotions.
Emotions connect the heart.
Heart connects the heart.
By waves and energy
By love and frequency
Then we fly higher
Or we drown deeper
We see the soul.
We see the soul full of
Joy, truth and love all together
We move towards Eternity.
We move towards Divine.
We move towards Bliss.
And we meet God.
Then we see God in every heart.
Then we see love in every heart.
We connect with all universe. 


  1. Oh we had a good time, didn't we? You are one of my favorite connections in the world! Thank you for your thoughts here. It IS all about love, isn't it? BTW, you need to fix (or redo) your link in the linky tool. It gives an error message. :(

  2. Patricia, the poem you shared is beautiful. The format is simple and the build up to the message is worth sharing with others. Thanks, Patricia. If you are on Twitter can you please send me your handle? Have a connected day.

  3. Nice to meet you, Patricia, in this Spiritual Journey Thursday meme. I love how you connected with Doraine and Irene. Actually, I did too (in the flesh) which was quite special and unexpected, as I am not from the U.S. and only write on the fringes of kid lit. These connections are unique and worth cultivating!

  4. Patricia, I love your statement that all of our connections broaden the borders of who we are. And the poem! Wonderful how it began with words connecting feelings and ended these beautiful lines:
    "And we meet God.
    Then we see God in every heart.
    Then we see love in every heart.
    We connect with all universe."
    There's much to learn about the power of connecting.

  5. Someday I want to connect in the Real World with a fellow blogger! It's never happened yet, but I'm sure someday it is bound to happen. How exciting for you to have gotten that experience!

  6. Pat, I'm so happy to be part of your world. It was a fun day connecting with you and Shelia and Irene. One day I'd like to connect on a horse with you, not something that has happened very often in my lifetime. I haven't connected with horses. ;) Thanks so much for sharing the blog with me this week.

  7. the connection with a horse is something I can make happen
