Thursday, January 5, 2017

Spiritual Journey Thursday of 2017

I've agreed to host this journey on Thursday July 6, 2017 but I will also be sharing each post.

Clink on the link and read Carol's joyful blog about her one word.  Beyond Literacy Link

Since we're talking about words lets learn some new ones:

1 .propagate    _______     A. excess, superabundance

2. anomaly      _______     B.  environment, setting

3. innocuous   _______     C.  irregularity, abnormality

4. surfeit         _______     D.  produce, multiply, spread

5. milieu         _______     E.  harmless, mild, innocent

see how many you can get correct

I'm going to post answers in comments.  Good Luck

Today's idiom:  a feather in one's cap

If you get all these words correct, it will be a feather in your cap.


  1. 1 .propagate ____d___ A. excess, superabundance

    2. anomaly ____c___ B. environment, setting

    3. innocuous ____e___ C. irregularity, abnormality

    4. surfeit ___a____ D. produce, multiply, spread

    5. milieu ___b____ E. harmless, mild, innocent

  2. What a fun post to get us thinking and you shared Maya Angelou's inspirational poem to start our day. I just came out of yoga class and we spoke about mindfulness. What you are going to practice is being mindful about each task and carry it to fulfillment. Thanks for the reminder.
