Gardens helped my family (us, Ronnie's parents, sisters-in-laws) make ends meet for over 15 years. Not that any of us would have starved but meals were a little better because of gardens. Now that it's just me and Ronnie... Missy does her own garden,(got that from her Mama)...and sister-in-laws fix meals for one...a garden seems like a lot of work and not necessary... that is what my husband says every spring. Last year, I let him convince me that I could buy what we needed at the farmer market for less money.

You can't and I missed it so much. This year the Weaver's will have a garden. I already have tomato and pepper plants in the ground.

So if you want to feel the love of Mother
Earth, dig in the dirt.... plant something and watch it grown... but be
careful, it is an addiction.
There is nothing better than a home grown tomato, not even the Farmers Market can touch perfect flavor at the perfect time.