Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ranch Sorting a butt numbing experience

Ranch Sorting is an event that pits a team of two riders on horseback against the clock. Teamwork is the key with both riders working in harmony to cut out the correct cattle and drive them to the pen while keeping the wrong numbered cattle back. 

If you're one of the riders, time flies.  If you're a spectator your butt gets numb from sitting and waiting to watch your rider.... I love it but hubby would rather be in his man cave watching ballgame.

As promised here are the pictures of event

First two Ron and Lake riding together

Ron working cows.

 Lakelynn working cows

 And when they won't work... scream at them

Remember to dance a little

                                                         And cheer for each other...


  1. I enjoyed learning more about this sport you are always talking about and thanks for the visuals!

  2. I enjoyed learning more about this sport you are always talking about and thanks for the visuals!
