Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Contest Alert!!!

The Alabama Writers' Conclave's annual contest will close soon.  Has everyone got their stories polished and sent, if not here are the guidelines.


    Deadline: April 20, 2012 (postmark).
    Prizes: 1st: $100; 2nd: $75; 3rd: $50; 4th: $25 and up to 4 Honorable Mentions.
    WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED at the AWC Conference Banquet at the Huntsville Marriott, Huntsville, Alabama on July 21, 2012.
    Contest Rules: Entries must be original, unpublished, and must not have won a money prize in a previous AWC contest. (Sitting AWC voting Board Members are not eligible.) Multiple entries are accepted, but only one prize per person is awarded in each category.
    Send one copy of each entry in standard manuscript format (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12pt. Courier or Times Roman font). (Note: manuscripts are not returned, so applicants should retain a copy).
  • On the first page of each manuscript include: (1) Title, (2) Category and (3) Word Count (DO NOT show author’s name on the manuscript).
  • Please number the pages.
  • Enclose a separate cover sheet for each piece submitted showing: (1) Contest category; (2) manuscript title; (3) your name, (4) mailing address, (5) e-mail address, (6) phone number and whether you are an (7) AWC Member or non-member. Entry Fees
    For all categories (EXCEPT Poem and First Chapter Novel)
    $5.00 per entry if AWC member, $8.00 per entry if non-member.
    For First Chapter Novel
    $10.00 if member, $12.00 if non-member.
    For All Poems
    $3.00 per poem if member, $5.00 if non-member.
    Make checks payable to: Alabama Writers' Conclave . (Note: Membership and conference fees must be submitted separately to the AWC Treasurer).
    Send contest entry manuscripts and checks to: Sonya Bennett, AWC Contest Chair, 81Magnolia Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama, 36532.
    NOTE: Please include a #10 SASE if you would like to receive a Winners' List after the AWC conference in July. If you would like confirmation that your entry has been received, also include a self-addressed stamped postcard (SASP).
    Writing Competition Categories
    Fiction - maximum 2500 words.
    Short Fiction - maximum 1000 words.
    Juvenile Fiction (stories for ages 4-12) - maximum 2500 words. LIST GENRE AND TARGETED AGE GROUP (i.e. picture book or 3 & up, etc.).
    Nonfiction - maximum 2500 words (PLEASE SPECIFY IF WRITTEN FOR ADULT OR CHILDREN).
    Humor (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry) - maximum 2000 words for prose or 50 lines for poems.
    Traditional Poem (any "form" poem, i.e. villanelle, sonnet, sestina) - maximum 40 lines.
    Free Verse Poem - maximum 60 lines.
    First Chapter of Novel - up to 10 double-spaced pages, first chapter ONLY.

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