Saturday, March 17, 2012

A great weekend with friends and book talk

Jana and I went to visit Irene this weekend.... I had a basket full of quilting pieces, a trunk full of homemade goodies and longing in my heart to see my friend. Jana got the trip started with talk about her new book and the two hour drive just flew by... then we got to Irene's and the real story brain storming began.

I got to see Irene's wonderful boys.. I really love those boys and their great smiles and Paul is so sweet to move his usual routine into another part of the house and give the family room to three crazy authors.

The pictures are of the thoughtful gifts from Irene for Saint Patty Day... y'all do know I was raised Catholic and Saint Patrick is my patron saint. The coffee mug and pottery bowl I found at a thrift shop. And finally the two jackets I bought at this wonderful consignment shop where everything in the shop is $7.98... everything!

The two purchases resulted in the hard work of Jana and Irene keeping the "total awful wrong color don't make me rip that shirt out of your hand" things I found to purchase. The green jacket was a combine attack on my normal desire to wear "bag lady reject" apparel or that is what other friend Sheila always calls my outfits. They were very pleased that they convinced me to buy these two items and secretly I agree with them but don't tell them I said so.

I'm fixing to take a bubble bath and snuggle down in my bed... crack open the book I'm reading and finish a perfect day. Thanks to Jana and Irene for making today so special. Hey Sheila, miss you and wish you was here.


  1. SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU HERE. Now I miss you even more. xo

  2. Yep you gals are making me homesick.
    Thank you Irene and Jana from keeping Pat from the "bag lady rejects".
