Friday, June 3, 2011

It's a girl... five of them

I love baby chicks... these little girls are so much work but fun. Where am I keeping them because they are just too little to go in that big empty chicken house... why in a box that is sitting on my patio table in my sunroom, of course.

It is almost 9 pm and I just now checked my email for the first time today ... work, hair cut... SHORT... hot...fix supper, water garden, water flowers, wash a load of clothes, tend to chicks twice (once before I fixed supper and then after dark making sure the was not in the water or feed when they settled down to sleep.

OH yes, I went to yard sales this morning before work got me five pair of summer shoes for 5 dollars, I was at the first yard sale at 6 am

Tomorrow is going to be a great day... yard sales at 6, meeting Sheila at 10:30 to go to Pope's Tavern for frontier days, lunch, and at 7 pm going to watch my son Ron ride in a competition sorting event.


  1. Oh I remember having chicks... I guess you don't need a heat lamp in this kind of weather!

  2. Man, you are a busy lady!!!
