Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do we ever really know the heart of others

My Uncle Johnny and Auntie Vi lived in Rhode Island for as long as I remember. I know mother and Auntie Vi lived in Massachusetts when they were young but Rhode Island is what I remember. I loved my Auntie Vi dearly but she could be difficult (I'm a lot like her) at times. She loved animals and liked to watch baseball and hockey. She was my mother's sister and I talked to her on the phone more than I saw her. What I remember most about her was her laugh.

Now my Uncle Johnny was a saint in my eyes. Goodness and kindness oozed from him... when you talked to him he listened like what you was saying was the most important thing in the world. Uncle Johnny came to see me just two weeks after I broke my hip (broke it on 07-25-07 and he came second week in Aug) The pictures were from that visit and was the last time I saw him. After his death, my cousin Margaret,sent me pictures that Uncle Johnny painted.
I had them framed and hung them on entrance wall from the garage. I look at them every morning and when I come home they greet me. Thanks cuz, your effort to get something of his to me has made me very happy.

The dog in the picture is not Lexie but my Jazz. Uncle Johnny called her a piranha because she chewed so bad... even on people.

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