The Barn
Smells assault the senses
Horses, manure, hay
A haven free of fences
Misunderstandings fade
Puppies run to greet me
Attack my laces, lick my face
Wanting their feed
My horse blows and stomps
A blanket in the loft
I read of perfect worlds
Stroking my cat, so soft
Dreams spin and whirl
Years past, I’m a Mom
Dropping by for a visit
My children go to the barn
Old dreams fade but new begin
Age, the barn must pay the cost
A bulldozer chews at rotten wood
As our haven is lost
My children and I sob
Metal beams and Metal sides
Foundation of concrete
New dreams begin inside
The barn
Awwww... a love poem for the barn! I was just talking to Paul about how the barn is such a great thing for your family, how you congregate there, how the kids will grow up with all these great memories of spending time there with loved ones. VERY cool.