Tuesday, February 16, 2010


New baby in the house... do you remember how it felt to have a new baby? You had to adjust to this new being and it had to adjust to you.. well we do not have a two way street here!! I have to peck and find my way through Windows 7 whistles and bells oh my!!

It keeps binging at me, but I will figure this out.

I have missed everyone and look forward to reading blogs that I've missed.
I have to write an article for the Kidsville News, catch up on my critique group's submissions ... an we meet next Saturday, catch up on emails and blogs, get everything set on this computer so I know where things are and still have time to work, sleep, do housework and other semi-needed things. :)
It's so good to be back in the land of OZ

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good to see you are up and running!! Hope it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship. :)
